2024 Summer Programs
Opportunities are listed in date order
This page will be updated as new opportunities are added
Many camps have online registrations: links are included on this page when possible
Most camps include lunch and a snack
Questions? Email us at promise.springfield@gmail.com or call 937-505-0330

Camp Better Together
Springfield Promise Neighborhood; Clark County Partners in Prevention & Project Woman
June 10-14 | 9:00am-4:00pm
Incoming Grades 6-8
Lincoln Elementary
This FREE camp provides a fun and engaging way for youth to make new friends, strengthen leadership skills, build confidence and a positive mindset, receive education regarding drug and alcohol prevention, and receive education about healthy relationships. Campers will receive breakfast, lunch, and a snack every day, as well as a t-shirt and other fun goodies.
Garden Camp
Springfield Promise Neighborhood
June 17-21 | 8:30am-12:30pm
Incoming Grades 3-5
Promise Visioning Garden, 1217 Linden Ave.; Rain site: Lincoln Elementary
This FREE camp provides youth with the opportunity to spend some time outside this summer, while enhancing their education. Campers will learn the basics of vegetable gardening (weeding, planting, watering, and harvesting), participate in fun outdoor games and activities, and work on an educational STEM project throughout the week. Campers will receive breakfast and snack each day.
Camp M.E.E.
Springfield Promise Neighborhood & Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio
June 24-28 | 8:00am-4:00pm
Ages 11-14
Lincoln Elementary
We are excited to offer our FREE summer camp – Camp Movement, Enrichment and Empowerment, or simply Camp MEE for the second year in a row. Camp MEE is dedicated to the belief that all people have a right to relationship and sexual health education that will help them understand, appreciate and take responsibility for their lives. Camp MEE meets that goal by delivering critical information to youth 11 - 14 years old alongside fun camp activities. Breakfast, lunch, and snack will be provided.
LIFE Sports
Springfield Promise Neighborhood & Clark County Combined Health District
July 1-26 | Weekdays 9:00am-4:00pm
Incoming grades 6-9
Lincoln Elementary
LifeSports is a FREE summer camp designed by OSU to prepare youth for life and leadership through sport. Campers will receive instruction on the basics of football, basketball, and soccer, and they will have the opportunity to play each sport after learning all of the rules and techniques. No experience is necessary! Campers will also learn life-lessons such as self-control, effort, teamwork, and social responsibility through fun and engaging lessons and activities. Breakfast, lunch, and snack will be provided.
Camp Oty'Okwa
Big Brothers Big Sisters
July 29 - August 2 | Overnight
Ages 8-16
Pick-up and drop-off at Lincoln Elementary
Camp Oty'Okwa is a summer camp run by Big Brothers Big Sisters, located in Hocking Hills State Park in southeast Ohio. Transportation is provided to camp, and Campers will stay in cabins with a counselor supervising a small group of students. Springfield students can participate in the Springfield Week for free, and participate in activities like hiking, swimming, games, crafts, and much more! No electronic devices are allowed - sign your student up to unplug and experience the natural world!
Click on the box that says NEW USER or if you already have an account, log in.
Fill out all the required information on this page. This will be your information as the parent/guardian. (Name, address, email, phone number) and create a password for your account.
On the next page select the box + ADD PERSON to add a child. Once you complete the required information you can select + ADD PERSON again until you have added all your children.
After the child(ren) have been added you can click on the register button next to their name to register them for camp. The Springfield dates are July 29-August 2.
Springfield Week Adventure Camp (8-12 year olds): Springfield@Oty202
Springfield Week Teen Empowerment Camp (13-16 year olds): Springfield@Oty2024
For questions or assistance with the online registration, please email aramey@bbbscentralohio.org or call the office at 740-385-5279.
Summer Sponsors and Partners